Here’s What You Can Do If Your Kid is Always Tired in the Morning
Kids have a reputation for being highly energetic during the day, so it’s unexpected when a child doesn’t seem as enthusiastic as usual, or if the child claims to feel lethargic and exhausted. While it’s normal for children to complain about being tired, it might be a sign of an underlying problem when they always seem to lack morning energy because fatigue prevents them from enjoying their morning routine. It’s not normal for kids, or anyone for that matter, to always complain about feeling tired after waking up.
Morning fatigue isn’t something only adults experience—it can happen to your kids, too. Have you noticed your child moving slower than usual in the morning? Are there instances when they don’t touch their breakfast, lie down on the sofa after getting ready for school, or seem quieter than usual? Even if kids don’t explicitly say they’re tired, these are telltale signs they’re experiencing morning fatigue.
Most cases of morning fatigue in children aren’t severe, and you, as a parent, can try to manage them. Here are some ways you can help your child combat morning fatigue:
Encourage regular exercise
One of the best ways to promote restful sleep is by encouraging and making sure that your kids exercise regularly. However, an exercise routine might get boring quickly for them–get creative! Teach them how to play basketball, badminton, baseball, or any other sport they might enjoy. Don’t just sit back and watch them play either—join in on the fun and make quality time with the family. And if you want them to get proper training, enroll your kid in Milo Sports Programs.
Improve their sleeping habits
The recommended amount of sleep among children varies by age. For example, kids aged six to 12 should be getting shut-eye anywhere between nine to 12 hours. When they achieve adequate sleep, their cognitive abilities are sharpened for the next day. Not only does being well-rested mean being energized, but together with proper nutrition, your kids’ attention, behavior, learning, and memory improve too. This makes your kids more motivated to participate in physical activities and remain attentive in school.
Talk to your child and ask how they’re doing
Take some time out of every day to sit down with your child and check up on them. It’s important for them to feel heard, so they don’t keep all that’s bothering them to themselves. Perhaps they’re thinking about starting a new hobby or getting into sports, or maybe they want to find a club with like-minded kids, or they’re experiencing stress due to social or academic reasons. Whatever the case, offer a safe space to let them express themselves fully so that they can unload the negative while you can feed them reassurance and positive energy. Give them your undivided time and attention. Try joining your kid in playing his favorite sport and use that as an opportunity to segue into that long-overdue parent and child pep talk.
Maintain a well-balanced diet.
Another way to help keep your child from experiencing morning fatigue is by consistently feeding them a well-balanced diet. Serve a hearty breakfast with tasty yet nutritious food—but make sure your children cap off their meal with a glass of MILO to energize them in the morning. Packed with Protomalt, Iron, and B-Vitamins, kids can also enjoy MILO as a midday energy boost to help sustain their mood and energy levels for the rest of the day.